Wednesday, December 15, 2010

*For girls only, if you're a guy, you can read it for your girlfriend :)

Menstruation drives me crazy..!


How unlucky that my period came for the first day on my working day. 
When I woke up, my stomach feeling not very well and when I saw the "blood"
I was like what the fuck!!  Seriously, Its feel very pain on the first day..
Some more I have to work.. 
Luckily it doesn't really effect my mood on the working day.. :)

Tadaaaaaa!! Today is the day,
It was the second day, I felt very moody and feeling wanna kill someone,
actually it has already started on last night, Yeah..!
I feel very angry, just like a buffalo that saw a red fabric.  
And the victim was my Lovely Boyfriend.. You were so pity my Sweetie..
He asked me out this evening and I rejected, And when he called me and told me that he's
heading out, I was so pissed and I hang his call.. That was really no manner.. 
I am not purposely.. But it has not end yet, I still in a very bad mood, 
Idk what has I texted him, but he is such a understanding boyfriend,
he just act nothing happen and replied me as sweet as usual..
I even feeling like wanna see him and yell at him, hard to describe what I feel,
due to this menstrual stress.. I think girls out there sure understand what am I trying to say..

What I hate when it comes, 
Firstly, I hate when I am sitting for around 15mins and when I am standing up, it feeling like 'splash',

Secondly, I also hate when the first day it comes, and idk.. it will be painted on my bed,
it looks like someone has just killed on my bed.

Thirdly, I hate when I am poo poo, and the blood also there, It looks like I am poo poo -ing blood..

Fourthly, I hate it comes too much, and I feel insecure, and will paint anywhere that I am sitting on..

Okay, there's some information about our menstrual cycle.

What is menstruation, better known as a Period?

Every month, you release a single egg from your ovary that begins a trip through the fallopian tube, ending up in the uterus (also called the womb). Before the egg is released from the ovary, the uterus builds up its lining with extra blood and tissue. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm cell, it stays in the uterus and grows into a fetus, using that extra blood and tissue to keep it healthy and protected as it’s developing.
Most of the time though, the egg is only passing through! When the egg doesn’t getfertilized, the uterus no longer needs the extra blood and tissue, so it leaves the body through the vagina. This is called a menstrual period and is also known asmahvari , menses or tareekh. Some of you refer to it as ‘getting down’ , ‘getting my chums’ , ‘time of the month’ or even ‘aunty’ Getting a period lets a girl know thatpuberty is progressing and the puberty hormones have been doing their job.

how long does it last?

 A period usually lasts from 2-days to 7 days.

What is a menstrual cycle/Period and how can I calculate mine?

The length of time between your periods is your menstrual cycle. So it’s really easy to calculate your cycle. Count from the start of one period to the start of the next. Some of you will have a 28-day cycle while others may have a 24-day, 30-day or even 35-day cycle.

What is Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)?

The Blues and the Blah’s…
Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS is the name for some physical and emotional symptoms that may occur a week or two before your period is due to start. Some of the symptoms of PMS are.
Cramps, pimples, headache, cravings, mood swings, weight gain, sore breast,tiredness, poor concentration, and food craving.

How to reduce Reduce stress

Get plenty of sleep, 

I hope you girls or girls did learn anything or get some info from here :)
Thanks for viewing, Bye!



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

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